Custom solutions for your projects
| Developers | Builders | Architects | Interior designers | Decorators | Other construction professionals
50 years of experience
Kitchen manufacturer and specialist
Contract experts
We’ve done more than 1,000 projects
Turnkey solutions
Comprehensive consulting, design, manufacturing, supply and assembly projects
On 5 continents
We’re present in more than 40 countries
Custom-made projects
We optimise resources, we solve problems, we reduce risks
More than 400 people work here
All focused on attaining the best results
After-sales services
We provide a bespoke and comprehensive service
Main brands
Our suppliers are the main brands on the European raw materials market
We work with the main construction and development companies in the sector, among others.
Do you want to put in a new kitchen?
Materials? Upkeep? Distribution? This guide has everything you need to know if you're thinking about putting in a new kitchen or renovating your old one.
United for at risk kids
Thousands of at-risk kids need a home where they feel safe to play, grow and dream. Kitchens, the centerpieces of today’s homes, are a perfect space for quality time together to share the love that’s being cooked up in them.